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for there you have been and there you will long to return. " - Leonardo da Vinci
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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Massive Scrapbook Project.. Part 1

So far I have been successful with my scrapbooking project.

I have collected all the necessary supplies for Chris's school book and both of my books.
I have finished over 20 pages of Chris's school book, and I am having a blast.

It's moving very quickly, and I love it, because I get bored easily.
I may or may not have ADD, we will never know ;-)

Anywho.. back to the book.
The things that I'm attaching to the pages are fairly large, most of them at least half of a 8.5x11 page. So far, I have completed kindergarten and first grade, and I am halfway through second grade.

I never realized how much I would learn about my husband by doing this project.

I'm bored, so I made a list of stuff that I have learned about Chris these last few days.
- He wanted to be a Police Officer when he was little.
- He was a Shania Twain and Garth Brooks fan.
- He was excellent at drawing cartoons.
- Not so good at drawing trucks.
- His teachers loved him, and always wrote good things about him.
- He regularly gave his teachers ornaments for Christmas, and always got Thank You cards in return.
- He behaved very well on the school bus, and got rewards for it.
- He was a total ladies man, and always had cute girls in his photos.
- He thought very deeply for a young child, and wrote very convincing papers.
- Some girl named Kahra apparently liked him, because she wrote "Chris Loves Kahra" all over one of his papers.
- And most of all.. HE WAS SO FREAKING ADORABLE!!!!

I have come to one main conclusion:

P.S. If you're bored, and want to laugh, check out this blog http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/ She is hilarious. WARNING: It is slightly twisted/weird humor. So if you're more conservative with your humor.. don't click on the link =]

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're totally right! HILARIOUS!! LOVE IT! Thanks for sharing!!

Yay for scrapbooking! I was into it for a while up until October of last year because I was doing projects for Craft Warehouse and the overloaded me with projects and I got totally burned out. Yeeesh. It was lame. But! I am stoked for your projects! Good Luck!