"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return. " - Leonardo da Vinci
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Monday, July 5, 2010

My Biggest Frustration..

Specifically fake people.
Not the over-tanned silicone-implanted kind of fake (though they bother me too).
No, I'm talking about the kind of people that keep changing.

I know a couple people who fit this description, and they frustrate me to no end some days. You know what I mean, the kind of people who are always changing something to be just like the people around them. The kind of people who never have one favorite thing. They switch hobbies like crazy. They seem to completely change who they are 100%.

And when they make these changes, they dive into the new stereotype completely and thoroughly.

One day they decide that sewing is cool, so they talk about it non-stop, blow all their paychecks on patterns and fabric, get the bumper stickers, buy a sewing machine, and always ask to hang out with you so you can sew together. A few weeks later, they decide that being a tomboy is cool. They buy new clothes, talk about cars non-stop, hunt down every car show they can find, and pretend to work on their own car. A few months later, they want to be a fashionista. Time for another re-do! New clothes, tons of makeup, hair supplies, and an attitude to go with.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be a hater. The people I'm talking about are awesome people.. deep down. I love them to death. That is the biggest reason why I am so frustrated. They would be so much happier if they would just be themselves!

Of course, I was at this stage during a period in my life. And guess what? I hated it! I was always putting on an act. I was always self-conscious, always trying harder. But finally, when I started dating Chris again, I finally realized who I was.

I am me.
I don't fit any stereotypes.
I dress very casual, without a specific style.
Jeans and tshirts are my style.
I don't curl my hair every day.
I don't wear much jewelry.
I wont leave my house without make up on.
I love to go clothes shopping.
I hate trying on clothes.
I love to sew and scrapbook.
I love being creative.
I cannot write poetry worth a darn.
I will never be 100% happy with my body.
But I'm learning to love myself.
I love to bake.
I can't make anything without a recipe.
I love to clean.
But rarely have the energy.
I'm always tired.
I am loud and obnoxious
I am very shy.
I listen to country.
I listen to Rock and Roll.
Even hardcore music sometimes.
I get very angry and defensive.
I can be very fiesty.
I hate confrontations.
I love cuddling.
I love being with friends.
I hate huge parties.
I love taking pictures.
I love trying to find the beauty in all things.
I like to see the good in everyone.
But I can be a pessimist and hardly trust others.

I could go on and on. But really, there is no way you could put me into a category. But everyone knows what I like. Everyone knows who I am. If you asked someone to describe me, they would say, "She is just Amanda."

And that makes me happy =]

I love that I have friends in every walk of life. I have friends who are years older than me, and friends who are years younger. I have friends who make quilts, and friends who can't sew on a button. I have a huge variety of friends, and I love it.

This may all sound so arrogant, and I'm sorry if you now think I'm a conceited brat.
Like I've said before. This blog is a journal for me. If you don't like hearing my thoughts, don't read it.

I guess the reason I am so frustrated by these types of people, is two things.
#1 - I hate hate HATE it when people try to be just like me. Don't copy me. I am me. You are not me. You are you. Be yourself.
#2 - I'm tired of seeing all the unhappiness. The happiest people I know, are 100% content with themselves, and don't fit any stereotype. I wish everyone I know was like that.


Janette said...

yeah that is annoying and I have had those same feelings. Sometimes when people are trying to find who they are they change or think they need to be a certain person. This person will one day grow up and realize who they are. sometimes it takes others longer, just be patient:)

Calista said...

I totally agree with you!!! A friend of a friend is all over the grid, and it drives everyone around her nuts! I just want to say, "You are 22 years old. It is time to stop meshing with the "popular" group. There is no popular group anymore. Grow up and define yourself!"

and p.s. I LOVE your background layout. It is 100% fabulous.

J and M K family said...

haha- ohhh you crack me up. I obviously don't entirely know what you're talking about, but it seems to me like maybe he/she just has a passion for life and really get excited about new things. But like I said, I really have NO idea what or who is being referred to. I absolutely agree with you on your #2 at the bottom. Being who you truly are usually never flows with the social norm.