"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return. " - Leonardo da Vinci
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Biggest Bestest News Ever!!!

We are going to be parents!!!!!
Yes I am finally pregnant =]
And we couldn't be happier.

I'll answer the basic questions before anyone asks:
Yes this was planned, we have been trying for a couple months.
The estimated due date is April 16th, 2011
I'm about 6 weeks along.
I feel great. Just tired, stomach is a little overly sensitive, but nothing I can't handle.

I will be posting updates every step along the way!!!!


Anonymous said...

Omgosh! How fun! Way to go!

Alyse said...


J and M K family said...

big huge CONGRATS!!!! Your life is about the change FOR-EVV-VUR! In a good way mostly. :D

Calista said...

Congrats! I hope you feel great the whole time!