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for there you have been and there you will long to return. " - Leonardo da Vinci
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

First Doctor's Appointment

We had our first Doctor's Appointment yesterday.
I was super nervous, but once I got there I calmed down.
The midwife I am seeing is a little kooky, but she's nice and answers all of our questions.

The first 30 minutes or so was all discussion.
We learned that I wasn't taking enough Calcium (apparently I need 1200 mg each day). We learned that Salmon is the safest fish to eat, and I need to stay away from the cat litter box.

We tried listening to the heartbeat with the Doppler device, but couldn't heart anything.
I was a little nervous at this point, but she assured me that it was rare to get a heartbeat this early in the pregnancy. She said we would be able to see it on the ultrasound.

Then we finally got the ultrasound!
Here is our little gummy bear =]

She didn't point out much, as far as where the head is, arms, etc. But she did show us the heartbeat. I wish we could show you. It was amazing!! It really made everything REAL for us. 
Next visit, I'm going to try and get a video on my phone of the heart beating.
I think it looks like the baby is facing to the right of the picture, and those itty bitty little stubs are arms. I hope I'm right, because that just makes the picture SO much cooler!

I told the midwife that I was doubtful that I was at 9 weeks, because my positive test result was so late in my cycle. (Sorry, TMI boys). So she measured the baby for me. According to the ultrasound, I'm only at 7 weeks. She did say though that she is not an ultrasound specialist, so she isn't totally confident in her measuring. She told me to reschedule with the ultrasound department so I can get a more accurate due date.

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