"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return. " - Leonardo da Vinci
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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Baby Update!!

Thursday we went to our first Doctor's Appointment with an actual Doctor, instead of a midwife. I love this new doctor. She is soo much better. She answers all my questions, and gives me tons of information, without being pushy.

We have to schedule our ultrasound appointment, so we might know what it is before Thanksgiving!!

We also got to listen to the heartbeat. The Dr. had a hard time finding it at first, and that made me really nervous, but then she said it was just because the baby was moving a lot. Apparently we have a very active little baby!! I was disappointed that I still can't feel it, but at least I know that we are healthy!!

As far as the pregnancy goes, things are going pretty good. I'm having a lot of problems with heartburn, especially at night. Some nights it gets so bad that I am literally burping up bubbles of acid. Thankfully, Dr. said I can take Zantac every day with no worries or side effects. Still a little tires, but not as much fatigue, which is definitely a nice break!!

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