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for there you have been and there you will long to return. " - Leonardo da Vinci
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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Waiting Room Etiquette

I wish I could post these in the waiting room at work.. but people are too darn sensitive, and would probably be offended.

#1 - When you are waiting for your car to be fixed, please wait in the waiting room. That is what it is for. Do not stand at my counter and talk to me about your political opinions, or anything else unrelated. If I'm typing while talking to you, that's a sure sign that I'm busy, and trying to give you a hint.

#2 - Do not complain about my coffee. It's free. I may not buy the most gourmet stuff, but I also don't buy the cheapest crap I can find either. There is regular, decaf, hot cocoa, apple cider, Postum, and a variety of teas. If you don't like any of those options, go to Starbucks.

#3 - Please do not mess with my TV. There is tape over certain buttons because you are not supposed to push them. Stop messing it up. It only works on one setting. If you don't like what is playing, turn the volume down and look away.

#4 - Put the magazines and newspapers back where you found them. Do not leave them scattered all over the room.

#5 - Clean up after yourselves. This is not your living room. I am not your mother. I do not like having to pick up your garbage.

#6 - If you have kids with you, please control them. Ever heard of inside voices? The same goes for your dogs. I'm happy to allow them in here. But constant barking is not appreciated. I answer phones all day. I do not want my shop to sound like a daycare or a dog kennel.


Anonymous said...

*slap slap*

i wish that could be posted without someone throwing a fit, that's awesome!


Alyse said...

**clicking invisible like button**