"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return. " - Leonardo da Vinci
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Friday, January 7, 2011

Pregnancy Stuffs

Today we have another doctor appointment. It's time for the Glucose Tolerance test. I am not looking forward to it. Reason #1 - I have to drink a nasty sugar water drink. Reason #2 - The appointment takes over an hour. Reason #3 - I'm terrified that I'll fail the test and be diabetic. I don't know why I am so paranoid.. but I am. I keep thinking that I'm going to have it, because I'm 'overweight' and tired a lot. I'm sure I'm over-reacting. I'll be glad when it's all over and I can move on. Diabetic or not. 

On the plus side though, we are actually moving forward with Jordyn's room! We now have a crib, porta crib, and tons of clothes and blankets. The room is mostly cleaned out too. We are getting a cradle and dresser from my parents soon too. Then we just get to wait for the baby shower and see what else comes rolling around =] 

The pregnancy has been going pretty good. The headaches are less frequent, and the heartburn has been a little bit more manageable. This week though, I started having the aches and pains, mostly in my hips. I bought a prenatal yoga DVD a few days ago. I'm hoping that will help a bit, but who knows. 

More than anything else, we are just getting excited. We can't wait for Jordyn to be here! 6 months has gone by so fast!!

23 Weeks

1 comment:

Calista said...

We just finished getting our baby's room done on Saturday (as in yesterday). What a relief it is to be done! And now its fun to just walk in there and look around and sigh and smile a lot :). Good luck with the glucose test - I was super worried that I'd have it too, but the test wasn't so bad (the juice I had to drink was like a flat lemon/lime soda). Bring a good book, that's my recommendation.