"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return. " - Leonardo da Vinci
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Monday, April 26, 2010

The Massive Scrapbook Project..

While organizing my sewing/craft room closet.. I came to a realization. I have too many keepsakes. I have boxes and boxes of photos, ticket stubs, greeting cards, school papers, childhood drawings.. the list goes on.

I have decided to scrapbook ALL of these.

Now, most of these are not going to be fancy crafty scrapbooks. The greeting cards will be organized into books by type. (Christmas, Graduation, Birthday, etc.) And there will be no adornments to the pages, just cards. There will be one book for each of us, full of school things. (Papers, drawings, random photos, etc.) These books will have some small adornments here and there, but still very simple. There will also be one very simple one with all my random photos from my childhood and teenage years. This one will have notes written, describing who is in the photos, and where I am, etc. because I don't want to forget those details =]

And then there is the big one, the wedding scrapbook. That one I am going all-out on. I have been collecting papers and embellishments for a while now and I'm ready to dive into that one too =]

I'm posting this on here as a sort of motivation to finish the project.
If I make it public, I have to finish it =]


Alyse said...

Go you! Scrapbook is fun but oh man is it alot of work (and $$$) Good luck and I can't wait to see what you come up with! You're so creative already I know it'll be awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe this can be motivation for me, too. I don't want to haul around my boxes for the rest of my life! But mine definitely wouldn't be very detailed either. I'm really not creative, and I think that's why I've avoided scrapbooking.

Anna said...

GOOD LUCK! I decided to use a photo album as our guest sign-in book. That way we can remember who came while we look through the pics :)