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for there you have been and there you will long to return. " - Leonardo da Vinci
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Thursday, April 29, 2010

These are the people I deal with every day..

Phone Call
Them: Hello?
Me: Hey it's Amanda from Stephenson's Automotive. The Audi is all done.
Them: Great! We'll be there in a few minutes to pick it up.
Me: Cool, see you in a few.

I rearrange all the cars and put as many as I can inside the building for the night.

Closing time. Audi is still here.

Phone Call
Them: Hello?
Me: Hey it's Amanda from Stephenson's..
Them: Oh Hi!
Me: Are you guys coming to get the Audi?
Them: Oh no.. *giggle* We're just going to come get it in the morning.
Me: Oh.. ok..
Them: It's going to be inside, right? Because I don't want anything to happen to it..
Me: Oh, I thought you said you were coming to get it. I already closed everything up.
Them: Oh.
Them: Well, we can't make it. It's gonna have to be tomorrow.
Me: Alright... I think I can rearrange the cars to make it fit somehow.
Them: Great! Thanks!
*Dial Tone*


J and M K family said...

Why is the world full of people who are just rude?? I do not understand it. It baffles me! I tried to set up a party and people confirmed they were coming. 20 minutes into the party I call them to see where they are, since a few didn't show. They're like... oh yeah, I'm not coming tonight. So I'm sitting there nicely thinking 'THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST CALL ME SO I KNEW!!' I don't care why you can't come, I just want to know that you can't. bah humbug. At least I could tell the person off, you couldn't. that's even worse

Anonymous said...

That's way annoying. How long did it take you to rearrange everything?

Amanda said...

About 20 minutes..