"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return. " - Leonardo da Vinci
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Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 3: Your Parents

Day 01 – Introduce
Day 02 – Your first love
Day 03 – Your parents
Day 04 – What you ate today
Day 05 – Your definition of love
Day 06 – Your day
Day 07 – Your best friend
Day 08 – A moment
Day 09 – Your beliefs
Day 10 – What you wore today
Day 11 – Your siblings
Day 12 – What’s in your bag
Day 13 – This week
Day 14 – What you wore today
Day 15 – Your dreams
Day 16 – Your first kiss
Day 17 – Your favorite memory
Day 18 – Your favorite birthday
Day 19 – Something you regret
Day 20 – This month
Day 21 – Another moment
Day 22 – Something that upsets you
Day 23 – Something that makes you feel better
Day 24 – Something that makes you cry
Day 25 – A first
Day 26 – Your fears
Day 27 – Your favorite place
Day 28 – Something that you miss
Day 29 – Your aspirations
Day 30 – One last moment

My Parents: Nina Cherie and William (Bill) Elliott.

My parents were both raised in California, near San Francisco and San Jose. They lived their until 1991 when they moved our family up here to Oregon. They have owned an auto repair shop in Sandy, Oregon together since 1992.

My mom, Nina, is the rock of our family. She was always there when we got home from school. She made dinner every night, and she was always there for us when we needed something. He whole purpose in life is to serve her family. She is the perfect example of what a Mother and Wife should be, and I have tried to emulate that in my own life. She is also crafty. She sews and crochets. She made our swimsuits, our formal dresses for high school dances, Halloween costumes, pajama pants, you name it. She crochets blankets ALL the time. She is always working on someones baby blanket. If you have a baby in her ward at church, you can almost guarantee you will be getting a blanket from her.

My dad, Bill, is the patriarch of our household. He has always provided for us, and he was always there to make you feel safe. He can seem pretty intimidating at first, especially to my boyfriends in high school (haha) but he is really just a big softy at heart =] I have always been a Daddy's Girl. Dad was always in the garage working on something. A car, a motorcycle, models, guns, RC cars.. you name it. I was always there watching him and asking questions. We went hunting together, went to car shows together, and now we work together at the auto shop. He is very patriotic, very opinionated, and he has a very strong sense of right and wrong. He has always strived to be an honest man, and I have always respected that. I get my fighting side from him, my stubborn side, and my sentimental side.

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