"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return. " - Leonardo da Vinci
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Update after Dr. Appt

   After worrying about it all month.. they decided that I get to wait ANOTHER week to take my Glucose Tolerance Test. Yuck. Other than that.. not much to update. Everything is going great! Measured my tummy, I'm at 24 inches from top to bottom, which matches my 24 week mark exactly =] Jordyn's heartbeat is stronger than ever, and sounds amazing! I still have no swelling in my feet or ankles, and blood pressure is right on target. I also asked her about my weight gain. Since I started out with a "higher than ideal" BMI, they only want me to gain about 25-30 lbs. So far, I am right on track!!! I've only gained 15 lbs. Yay!!! We discussed nutrition a little bit, and she told me again that I need to get my flu shot. I'm still on the fence about the shot. I've never had one in my entire life, and I've never really had the flu. I'm trying to keep as many meds out of me as possible.. so I don't really like the idea of injecting a flu virus into me. I know all the benefits.. but I'm still iffy about it. Any input about the Flu Shot? Have any of you Moms had it?


Melissa said...

Get the flu shot. I had and it is better then getting the flu while pregnant especially the H1N1 which can be deadly while prego. It is a dead virus and absolutely no possible way of getting the flu. Plus the flu virus is still around after your baby is born and you would hate to get sick and pass it on to your little one.

J and M K family said...

I have never gotten the flu shots with either of my pregnancies. If you're like me, I haven't had the flu in AGES! However, I don't think getting the flu shot would be a bad idea. If you get sick while you are pregnant, and you recover from said sickness, your baby will get your antibodies. I can only imagine this applies with a flu shot, that is supposed to stimulate your body to make antibodies to fight the 'flu' it thinks it has. :) Also, don't sweat the glucose test, it's not that bad. Tastes like a watered down carbonated, but flat, beverage. So, really not awful, just kind of annoying to drink. lol I prefer the orange one, tastes like Fanta.

Calista said...

I had the shot and it was like nothing had happened. My arm wasn't sore or bruised, and I never got sick. It seemed like a good idea to help protect baby during cold and flu season, which is why I did it. So as far as shots go, its a breeze and I don't regret doing it.