"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return. " - Leonardo da Vinci
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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

39 Weeks and still pregnant..

*Insert exasperated sigh here*

Yes, technically I still have another week until her due date, but I am so DONE! Haha.
This isn't a 39 week photo.. it's from 38 weeks.. but trust me when I say I'm the same size.

Things I am excited to be able to do again:
- Paint my toes
- Sleep on my stomach
- Tie my shoes
- Roll over in bed
- Sit up without rocking back and forth first
- Eat spicy food
- Go for long walks
- Sleep in my bed
- Stand for more than 15 minutes without my back hurting
- Carry/Lift stuff heavier than a laundry basket
- Go up my stairs without losing my breath
- Wear high heels
- Wear my old clothes
- Go a full hour without having to pee

Things I am definitely going to miss:
- Feeling the little thumps and swooshes
- Watching my stomach change shape
- Listening to her little heartbeat at my Dr. Appts
- Seeing Chris's smile when he feels her move
- Everyone asking "How are you doing?"
- The smiles and sweet gestures from total strangers
- Having the guys at work do all the heavy lifting for me
- The excuse to nap every day


Alyse said...

Two years ago my sister-in-law made it to 41 weeks..thought maybe reading her blogposts at this time might help you relate


hang in there! I'm sure she'll be worth the wait!!

Amanda said...

Aww thanks Hun!!

Calista said...

Just want you to know that everyone will still ask you how you're doing, the sweet smiles and gestures from strangers becomes sweet compliments on how beautiful your baby is, and it is still totally ok to nap all day.

Good luck!!! You are officially pregnant longer than me - way to go!

Melissa said...

I totally agree. Especially with the thigs you will miss. I don't know why but after Bryce I miss being pregnant more than I did with Aidan. Crazy how that is. You also made it further than I did with both my pregnancies. Hope it's soon.

Unknown said...

Bahhaha You're so awesome! I cannot wait to see the baby!! :)