"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return. " - Leonardo da Vinci
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Do you ever have those people that you just want to whack every time you talk to them? I know I complain about my customers a lot.. and I've been trying to be better. Lately though, now that I'm 'obviously' pregnant, I have been getting a slew of unwanted advice.

 Such as:
You are breathing too heavy.
Make sure you take trace minerals, in addition to your prenatals.
Eat standing up.
Walk around the hospital as long as you can, it will speed labor up.
Get plenty of sleep.
Eat ice cubes while you are in labor.
Drink green tea.
Don't go into the hospital until your contractions are 5 minutes apart.
Take Vaseline to the hospital with you.
Soak in a salt water bath 3 times a day when you get home, it will speed healing.
Do plenty of pelvic stretches.
Sleep with a fan blowing on you.
Sleep upright, not laying down.
Don't sit for too long, get up and walk around regularly.
Eat plenty of fiber.
Don't take any pain medications at the hospital.
You're carrying really high, it's going to be a rough delivery.
You are really big for only 6 months.. you sure there aren't twins in there?
Don't dye your hair, the hormones will mess with the color.
Don't take baths.
Don't take hot showers.
You shouldn't be working in an auto shop around all these dangerous chemicals.
Don't buy any baby clothes yet.
Buy all your diapers now.
No caffeine or sugar.
You need to take copper and magnesium supplements every day. (Oh yeah, heavy metals are exactly what a pregnant lady needs..)

Really? Can we all please leave the pregnant lady alone? I'm pretty sure I can handle this. My doctor says I am right on track with my size and weight, baby is perfectly healthy.. I'm sure my doctor knows more than the average Joe walking into an auto repair shop!

On another note.. Pregnancy is going great! I spent the last week with a nasty cold. That was fun. Many many days spent laying on the couch with a pile of Kleenex. I saw more episodes of Law & Order in the last week, than I have during my entire lifetime. Haha. Chris was great though. He made dinner every night, ran trips to the pharmacy for me, and he even set up the air mattress downstairs so that I didn't have to sleep down there alone. (I had to sleep on the couch, so that I could be propped up.) Jordyn is moving around all the time.. lots of flutters and kicks. She is hiding from Daddy though. Every time Chris puts his hand on my belly, she stops moving. The nursery really hasn't made any progress haha. The goal for this week is to get a dresser in there so I can finally start organizing everything. I'm not feeling too many pregnancy symptoms.. that has been nice. Just the occasional heartburn. It is definitely getting increasingly difficult to bend down though. I have to tie my shoes in intervals, because I can't bend over for that long all at once. lol.


Autumn said...

If you think it's bad now, just wait until you have the baby!

You dressed her too warm.
She's not dressed warm enough.
You're feeding her too much.
You're not feeding her enough.
You're holding her too much.
You're not holding her enough ... etc...etc...etc...etc.

It never ends.

Autumn said...

If you think it's bad now, just wait until you have the baby!

You dressed her too warm.
She's not dressed warm enough.
You're feeding her too much.
You're not feeding her enough.
You're holding her too much.
You're not holding her enough ... etc...etc...etc...etc.

It never ends.

Hugs & Loves, Ariel said...

i like "soak in a salt water bath 3 times a day when you get home" ba ha ha yeah like you'll have time to do that with a newborn that need to be needed to!!

Melissa said...

LOL I agree with Autumn, the advice never ends nor do the questions.

How is breast feeding.
Who does the baby look like.
Why isn't he sleeping through the night.
Why did you bring the baby out of the house so soon....etc

Just enjoy, listen to your body, listen to your dr, try to enjoy every minute of it and let most advice esp from strangers go in one ear and out the other.

Alyse said...

Saw this and thought of you! :) Made me laugh.

Good luck my friend, and if all else fails, just smack 'em!
