"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return. " - Leonardo da Vinci
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Friday, March 4, 2011

Donuts Make Everything Better

Ever have one of those mornings? Oh mine was just fabulous! But thankfully, I can laugh about it now..

It started out by not sleeping much during the night, and then sleeping in too late because I forgot to reset my alarm. So I had to skip my shower this morning. Ick. Then I stopped at the gas station this morning, and managed to lock my keys in the car while it was still running! I tried to call Chris, but he had turned the sound off on his phone. (Of course, looking back, I should have called the house phone). Doh! So I walked my happy butt down the street to the house. (Thankfully I stopped at the station by the house, instead of the one 20 minutes away). I pounded on the door, hoping it would wake Chris up. Thankfully, it did, and he rescued me. =]

So 15 minutes later I'm on my way to work, and get behind a slow person on the highway. I switched lanes to pass him, and apparently this irritated the Subaru driver behind me. The Subaru proceded to stalk me the entire 10 miles until I got to work. He was like a bug buzzing around my head. Either in front of me, tapping his brakes; next to me, yelling; or behind me, tailgaiting.

Then I finally get in to work, and learn that I forgot to order the parts for a customer's car. I was just about ready to curl up in a ball and call it quits, when my Dad shows up with donuts =]

Moral of the story? Always keep a hide-a-key for your car, and Donuts make everything better =D


Now, on to the fun stuff.. BABY!!

We had our regular Doctor Appointment yesterday morning. Jordyn of course is doing spectacular! Her heartbeat was nice and strong (and loud). The doctor took my measurements, and informed me that my uterus (sorry you had to hear that boys) is actually at the 33 week mark, even though I'm only 32 weeks along. Apparently this is good, not bad. Maybe that means she will come a week earlier? *Crossing my fingers* My favorite part of the appointment? When Jordyn kicked the heart monitor on my belly. It startled the Doctor, and made me laugh.We have her room almost done, and we are getting more impatient by the day.

P.S. Thank you to everyone who has sent gifts! I've tried to send Thank You cards to all of you, and I sincerely hope that I didn't miss anyone =/ Your gifts have been soooo greatly appreciated. All the help we can get!

1 comment:

Hugs & Loves, Ariel said...

ha ha you should do "Fawk you Friday" its hosted by http://www.boobiesbabiesandablog.com/

you just rant about the misfortunes that happened that week and than you get to link up its fun!

so exciting that her room is almost complete! ill see you tomorrow!

Hugs & Loves, Ariel